Interpersonal Mediation

Disagreement is an integral part of human experience. We all have our individual views, needs and interests, which are different to those of others. These differences help make our relationships exciting and supportive. They also carry the seeds of conflict which, if unresolved, breeds anger and resentment. The pattern is all too familiar: communication breaks down, we build a fortress to defend our “rightful position” and throw accusations at the “other”. Eventually, things get stuck in an intractable mess. If you have read this far, you are probably at this point in your relationship.

Conflict resolution is the key to any successful relationship: romantic, family, friendship or professional. Many of approach conflict through avoidance, withdrawal or aggression. Sooner or later, all three strategies fail. Why? Because they don’t meet the needs of both partners and at least one of us ends up feeling angry and resentful over the same issues – time and again.

What we need is a path to “Win-Win”. Interpersonal Mediation offers this path to relationship repair and growth. It is an informal yet structured process that focuses on resolving disagreements between individuals, mostly within personal or close relationships. With the intervention of a skilled, impartial professional who facilitates constructive communication and understanding of each other’s perspectives, the partners in conflict manage to reach solutions that are mutually satisfactory and realistic.

Interpersonal Mediation structure:

One hour introductory session with each party - online

This is an opportunity to understand your situation and see if mediation is the right approach for you. If both parties agree to continue then we move to the next stage which includes:

a) One hour individual follow-up session with each party - online

b) A four-hour session with both parties together - in-person or online

This process is intended to reach a workable resolution between the two parties by the end of the joint session.

Fees are £200 for the introductory sessions plus £800 to complete the program.

Evangelos Raptis is a Nicholas Rose associate who brings 25 years of experience in conflict resolution and relationship building. He is an accredited mediator and licensed couples therapist and has supported hundreds of romantic, family and professional partners find a place of mutual trust, cooperation and  understanding in their relationship.

Evangelos says:
"Interpersonal mediation does more than resolve a specific issue in the present – it sharpens your capacity to deal with conflict and gives you the confidence to navigate through similar situations in the future."

Further Interpersonal Mediation Assistance

If you require further assistance regarding our Interpersonal Madiation Services either contact Nicholas Rose & Associates using the enquiry form here below or please telephone 020 8996 9551

Therapists Specialising in Interpersonal Mediation:

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We are so pleased with how much happier he has become and have seen such a remarkable change with respect to school and behaviour at home. We think your sessions have been instrumental with that and we can't thank you enough! (parent of a 9...

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