Getting the most out of your therapy

12 - Feb - 2024

We understand that for many people it can feel daunting to start in therapy, it is also natural to have times when being in therapy can feel confusing and hard to remain focussed. Just knowing that this is natural can be helpful in itself but given how important an investment therapy is in terms of hope, trust, time, energy and money we have written a guide on how to get the most from your therapy. 

Your therapist is there just for you. By actively participating and following these tips, you can make the most of your therapy sessions and work towards your desired outcomes.

1. Set clear goals: Before each session, take a moment to reflect on what you hope to achieve and share these goals with your therapist. This will help keep your sessions focused and ensure you're working towards meaningful outcomes.

2. Be open and honest: Authenticity is key for therapy to be effective. Share your thoughts, feelings, and concerns openly with your therapist. Remember, therapy is a safe space where you can express yourself without judgment.

3. Stay engaged: Active participation is essential. Stay engaged by asking questions, seeking clarification, or sharing examples to help your therapist understand your experiences better.

4. Practice self-reflection: Between sessions, take the time to reflect on the insights or strategies discussed in therapy. Journaling or engaging in other self-reflection exercises can deepen your understanding and enhance your progress.

5. Take notes: Consider taking notes before, after or between your sessions to help you remember key points, homework assignments, or important insights. Reviewing them before the next session can help you remain focused and build upon previous discussions.

7. Be patient and realistic: Change takes time. Therapy is a process, and progress may not always be linear. Trust the process, be patient with yourself, and set realistic expectations for your growth.

8. Finally, research shows that the single most important factor in the effectiveness of therapy is the quality of the relationship between patient and therapist. Our therapists want the very best for you and therefore appreciate feedback. Don't hesitate to communicate with your therapist. Tell them when things feel helpful, if you wish your therapy could be different in some way then share this as it contains important information. Transparent communication strengthens the therapeutic relationship and allows for adjustments to be made, ensuring that your therapy remains effective and tailored to your needs.