Psychotherapy Services in London

About In Person and Online Psychotherapy

You don’t need to be in crisis or have a diagnosed mental illness to have psychotherapy. It can help you with emotional or mental health problems, including:

  • anxiety
  • feeling like you can’t cope
  • problems dealing with stress or recovering from stressful situations
  • lack of confidence or extreme shyness
  • coping with the effects of abuse
  • feelings of depression, sadness, grief or emptiness
  • extreme mood swings
  • difficulty making or sustaining relationships, or repeatedly becoming involved in unsatisfying or destructive relationships
  • sexual problems
  • difficulties coming to terms with losses such as bereavement, divorce or unemployment
  • eating disorders
  • self-harm
  • obsessive behaviour
  • panic attacks and phobias.

For a more extensive list of concerns we are experienced in working with Read More »

How will psychotherapy help me?

Psychotherapy recognises the lasting impact of trauma. This is when stressful events that you experience or witness make you feel unsafe, helpless or vulnerable. You’ll work with a therapist to think about what has happened to you, not what is wrong with you. The focus is on compassion listening and understanding rather than making a diagnosis.

Psychotherapy can be a powerful, life-changing experience which can help you to improve your mental health, overcome social or emotional challenges, and fulfil your potential. A trained psychotherapist can support you to:

  • express your feelings and process them in a safe and supportive relationship
  • gain deeper insight into the issues you face
  • talk about things in a confidential environment that you might not feel be able to discuss with anyone else
  • find better ways to cope with feelings and fears
  • change the way you think and behave to improve your mental and emotional wellbeing
  • improve relationships in your life, including with yourself
  • make sense of any clinical diagnoses you have had by understanding what has happened to you
  • heal from trauma
  • learn to communicate better and tolerate differences in yourself and others.

Why Psychotherapy?

Our patients bring a wide range of concerns to therapy. They may have had a diagnosis from a GP or Psychiatrist or decided to try therapy having decided that life does not feel as they would like. In therapy people talk about how they experience their lives, exploring health, relationships, interests, spirituality, work, interests, hopes for the future, problems from the past. They may focus on specific feelings such as depression, anger or anxiety or consider the way in which they think about things and how they typcially respond to situations. Most often the subjects covered in psychotherapy are wide-ranging, complex and we look for connections and understanding.

Who comes for Psychotherapy?

Our patients come from all areas of life, professions, genders, sexualities, ethnicities and ages. Wanting to talk about life and how it is experienced is something everyone may find helpful at some point in life.

What happens in psychotherapy sessions?

The idea is for you to have the opportunity to explore the issue or concern you want to work on with your therapist. Different therapists will support you to do this in different ways. Some will support you to talk generally about your feelings, behaviours and thoughts and others will have specific exercises to do this. They won’t tell you what to do but will listen and may ask questions which can help you to see things in a new light.

This might feel difficult to begin with. But your therapist is there to support you to open up and guide the process. Together, you’ll look at the relationships with people in your life, as well as the one you have with each other and with yourself. You might find yourself crying, getting upset or angry. This can feel unsettling and intense but your therapist is trained to help you process and cope with the emotions that come up.

How long does Psychotherapy take?

To talk about our lives takes time, unlike counselling where a specific issue tends to remain the focus of dialogue, in psychotherapy, you may start speaking about one aspect of your life and then find you end up speaking about something not only quite different but also of much deeper significance to your concerns.

Ultimately you decide how long you have sessions, your psychotherapist can advise whether they think therapy can end or continue but as with psychotherapy generally this is a dialogue. 

View our Counselling and Psychotherapy FAQ page for more answers or Contact Us to speak one on one.

Further Psychotherapy Information

If you require further information regarding our Psychotherapy Services either Contact Nicholas Rose & Associates using the Enquiry form here below or please telephone 020 8996 9551

Therapists Specialising in Psychotherapy Services in London:

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I want to thank you for all your help clearing my headspace, it is time for me to accept who I am.

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