Prenatal and Postnatal Depression

Mostly associated with mothers but also with fathers, depression can be experienced in relation to pregancy, childbirth and having a new baby. The terms prenatal depression, postnatal depresssion, (or postpartum depression) and perinatal depression all recognise a certain set of struggles and are often brought to therapy.

Pre and Postnatal depression is one area where much has been done to understand this very distressing condition that can have long lasting affects if left untreated. Sufferers may have feelings of failure, sadness, exhaustion, anger although often one of the most complicated and difficult are of embarrassment or shame. There are also often marked changes to how a suffer would normally be in terms of every day tasks and behaviours which only serves to increase distress, these include sleep difficulties, changes in appetite, loss of libido, difficulty concentrating, low confidence and increased isolation.

There is no one single cause of this range of depressions and working with a therapist experienced in them can be helpful. Our therapy team is also experienced in working with a range of parenting related concerns.

Counselling and psychotherapy can offer a space for exploring the experience of Pre and Postnatal Depression and examine ways for managing and alleviating symptoms. We have extensive experience of working with people suffering with Pre and Postnatal Depression.

Further Postnatal Depression, Prenatal Depression and Perinatal DepressionTherapy Assistance

If you require further assistance regarding our Postnatal/Prenatal Depression Services either Contact Nicholas Rose & Associates using the Enquiry form here below or please telephone 020 8996 9551

Therapists Specialising in Prenatal and Postnatal Depression:

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I went to seek help because I had difficulty coping with anger, small frustrations would trigger overwhelming rage; I had relationship problems; and although I had come out as gay I had a lot of negative feelings about my sexuality. Af...

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