Private School Survival

Private Boarding Schools are popular in the UK and many parents who went to boarding school themselves, in their turn, send their children away to school. There are of course, also some State schools which offer boarding.
Whilst many children who are sent to board at 11, or 13 enjoy the amenities, challenge and privilege, some, particularly children sent as young as 4 to 6, are not emotionally suited to separating from their family and may feel abandoned and confused. No school, no matter how supportive, can fully replace a secure family environment.
As a result, children may suffer from long-term emotional neglect and absence of a sense of safety. They may be bullied and fearful with nowhere to go for sympathy and support.  In extreme cases PTSD can occur which may have a negative effect on memory and brain development. They often do not feel they can turn to their parents for support because it was their decision to send them away to school in the first place and they will have been told how fortunate they are to be able to board privately.
Sometimes ex-boarders experience difficulties in later life with anger, depression, anxiety, substance abuse relationships, parenting which can persist for many years. 
Our Psychotherapy & Counselling services for Boarding School Issues
It is often beneficial to discuss problems either when they occur or later on in life. We have a broad range of expert psychotherapists and counsellors who can help you with problems stemming from your time at boarding school.


Further Private School Survival Therapy Assistance

If you require further assistance regarding our Private School Survival Therapy Services either Contact Nicholas Rose & Associates using the Enquiry form here below or please telephone 020 8996 9551


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